We here at Vivace Restaurant partnered with GermFree to keep staff and patrons safe amongst the COVID-19 outbreak. We want our customers to feel secure and we thought it would be good for our employees, too. Some of my employees have health issues — one has had underlying health issues for 10 years and if he got COVID, it would be a lot worse for him. One waitress has asthma.
GermFree performed its signature GermSafe Disinfection at Vivace Restaurant. The GermSafe Disinfection service is a multi-step, trademarked process based on the latest advances in cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection practices. We were most interested in the final step of the process, the application of an antimicrobial inhibitor. This unique inhibitor is designed to extend the effectiveness of the disinfection up to 90 days.
We feel like it's going to be something long term for everything, for flu, for COVID, for all germs. As we head into flu season, we want to do as much as we can to keep our customers safe and the lights on. We have committed to a quarterly service with GermFree, bolstering efforts to keep high-touch areas clean across our locations.
You will find the GermFree seal of disinfection proudly displayed at Vivace Restraurant. Visit us today and feel the magic of GermFree. There’s clean, and then there’s GermFree.